How to Get a Head Start on Your Day…Every Day

Black Girl At Coffee Shop Chs 4

While no go-getter enjoys admitting it, I’ll gladly confess that some days, I just don’t feel motivated. Some days, I wake up not wanting to do my morning routine, not wanting to go to work and class, or do much of anything opposite of staying nestled under my covers, sushi-wrapped in my large luxurious green Guatemalan blanket. So-called “perfect” people like to make jumping out of bed and conquering daily tasks while running off three hours of sleep look so easy, and I’m here to say that IT IS NOT. Of course, my everlasting dreams and desire for  greatness eventually pull me out of the bed, and my verve for life is usually re-ignited by the time I fix my hair. Some days, however, can still feel a bit sluggish, even when you are passionately running towards your goals. So, how did I learn to control those sluggish, borderline unmotivated feelings?

I don’t know about you all, but there’s nothing that keeps me motivated and organized throughout the day more than a fabulous head start in the mornings. While there are a plethora of methods I use to help me gain momentum and accomplish my tasks, getting a head start almost first thing in the morning is often just the push I need to catapult me into what needs to be done. What is this head start, you may ask? You may kick yourself when you hear it:

Write down one simple thing that seems absolutely minor on your to-do list, and do it first thing in the mornings.

Yes, you heard read correctly! Simple, right? A couple months ago, I wrote about the importance of having a morning routine (check it out here after this!) That will always be a practice that I stand by, but if you’re still feeling unmotivated, just write down and accomplish something easy in the a.m.!  By “something easy,” I’m not talking about some fancy-schmancy meditation, or heavy extensive reading, or even planning for the day. I am, however, talking about things like these!

  • Eat some yummy fruit
  • Drink a glass of water
  • Use Google Maps to locate a place for tapas and drinks after work
  • Text Mommy good morning
  • Read a fun article that has absolutely nothing to do with work or school

You think I’m kidding, don’t you? Well, I’ve consistently written down these and more in my planner, and when I cross them off, I feel like I actually accomplished something major! It’s almost as if crossing off that one thing, though seemingly minuscule and irrelevant, tricks my mind into thinking I just accomplished a large task for the day. Crossing through that one easy, enjoyable activity motivates me to jump headfirst into the rest of my tasks so that I can cross those off, too. I, for one, believe that this is one sweet trick!

That.Is.All. I told you it was simple! Tonight, while planning for the next day, don’t forget to write down something extremely ordinary and fun. I don’t care if your task is to wear your hair down instead of up; write it down, DO IT in the morning, and run like Allyson Felix towards the rest of your goals (strategically, of course!)

So, what easy accomplishments do you have planned for your mornings? Let me know in the comment section, OR tweet me on Twitter @OhSheWentGlobal!



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